Stan gets up early in the morning to speak with milkman Bert Lodge about the possibility of jobs with his firm. Elsie and Dennis create homemade damp patches and other household problems, hoping to give Ena the impression that No.11 has been falling to pieces for years. Ena sees through it all and tells Minnie she intends to get the Tanners out of the house. The residents anticipate yet another clash between the two. In the Rovers, Ena gives Elsie her notice in writing. Elsie goes for Ena in the snug and the fight spills out into the Street. The residents take sides. Ena tells Elsie she wouldn't be throwing her out if Swindley wasn't throwing her out.
6 - 14 Jan 1965 January 04, 1965
6 - 26 Jan 1965 January 06, 1965
6 - 311 Jan 1965 January 11, 1965
6 - 413 Jan 1965 January 13, 1965
6 - 518 Jan 1965 January 18, 1965
6 - 620 Jan 1965 January 20, 1965
6 - 725 Jan 1965 January 25, 1965
6 - 827 Jan 1965 January 27, 1965
6 - 275 Apr 1965 April 05, 1965
6 - 5230 Jun 1965 June 30, 1965
6 - 6930 Aug 1965 August 30, 1965
6 - 701 Sep 1965 September 01, 1965
6 - 9010 Nov 1965 November 10, 1965
6 - 9217 Nov 1965 November 17, 1965
6 - 988 Dec 1965 December 08, 1965
6 - 10429 Dec 1965 December 29, 1965